You have the power to help someone.
No matter where you are or what you do for a living, you have the power to make a difference. You have the power to pick someone up.
Don’t think suffering exists in America?
- According to the CDC about 1.2 million abortions occur each year. That’s 3,288 per day, 137 per hour, 9 every 4 minutes and 1 abortion every 26 seconds.
- According to the U.S. Statistics & Prevention about 34,500 suicides occur each year. That’s 95 per day and 4 suicides per hour.
- According to the Economic Policy Journal about 13,000 homicides occur each year. That’s 36 per day and 1-2 homicides per hour.
- According to the CDC about 715,000 heart attacks occur each year. That’s 1,958 per day, 82 per hour and 1 heart attack every second.
- According to the National Cancer Institute about 1,660,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each year. That’s 4,548 per day, 189 per hour and 3 people diagnosed with cancer every second.
- According to the CDC about 1,700,000 traumatic brain injuries occur each year. That’s 4,657 per day, 194 per hour and 3 TBIs per second.
- According to the CDC about 3,110 people die in home fires each year. That’s 8.5 per day and 1 home fire death every 169 minutes.
- According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center about 11,000 people have a spinal cord injury each year. That’s 30 per day and 1 spinal cord injury every hour.
- According to the CDC about 129,000 people die from strokes each year. That’s 353 each day and 14 deaths from strokes per hour.
- According to the CDC about 69,000 people die from Alzheimer’s Disease each year. That’s 189 each day and 8 deaths from Alzheimer’s Disease per hour.
- According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about 6,500 hate crimes occur each year. That’s 18 hate crimes each day.
- According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services about 3,300,000 cases of child abuse and neglect occur each year. That’s 9,401 each day, 376 per hour and 6 cases of child abuse and neglect each second.
- According to the Domestic Violence Resource Center about 2,000,000 domestic violence incidents occur each year. That’s 5,479 each day, 228 per hour and 4 domestic violence incidents occur each second.
The statistics are staggering. Suffering exists.
What can you do about it? Help one person.
“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” ― Mother Teresa
Help just one person… and do it today.
Photo: Help