I did a little investigation on Handicap accessible playgrounds. With warm weather coming it just makes you want to get outside. There is a great website that allows you to view all the playground and parks for handicap accessibility all over the United States. If you are planning a trip it would allow you to know of places you could get out and stretch, have a picnic, and allow your medically fragile child to get fresh air and have fun too.
We are very blessed in West Michigan to have some of these parks. I will list a few and provide the website for Michigan. www.accesibleplayground.net/united-states/michigan/
In Wyoming Mi we have Frog Hollow. It is located at Metropolitan Hospital Village, 2050 Metro Court. The park includes telescopes, musical instruments, art, crazy carnival mirrors and more!
In Holland Mi you could go to Rotary playground in Smallenburg Park. It is located at 16th avenue and Fairbanks Ave. It has a pool, playground and picnic areas.
The last park I will highlight is called Pine River Nature center and Treehouse. It is located in Goodells, Mi. This is 90 acres of beautiful forest, wet lands and prairie. On the property is a 30 foot above the ground tree house that is handicap accessible. On the property is also the Pine river that cuts deep ravines that give dramatic views, and many wild flowers.