Here are a few tips regarding FLU SHOTS, infants and , breastfeeding Moms.
Are you pregnant? Will your baby be born during flu season October until May? You can get a flu shot, (consult your OB doctor first) it will not hurt your unborn baby or you. Once your baby is born it cannot have a flu shot for 6 months. The best thing you can do for your baby is for you and your husband to get a flu shot ( the close contact you have with your baby is important but if you are not protected from the flu you could pass the flu to your baby). You are protecting them by protecting yourself. Babies in their first 6 months of life have decreased immunity, that is why breast feeding is important as breast milk has natural immunity from Mom. Yes, you can breast feed if you want to get the flu shot. Once a baby is 6 months old they can get a flu shot it is 1/2 the regular dose times 2. The vaccine is is given 4 weeks apart.