Believe it or not, Christmas is just around the corner. I love this time of year. I guess I said that about the fall too! Christmas is a great time of year. It is a time to remember what is important in life. What does that mean for you? Maybe you’re thankful for family, health, friends, and a roof over your head, a warm meal. I think it is a time to reflect on those who are not as blessed as we are. I challenge you to find someone and make it a family goal to help them.
One Thanksgiving, my dad gave all the grandchildren a $20 bill and encouraged them not to spend it on themselves but to find someone who was in need and try and help them. He also asked the grandchildren to come back at Christmas and share how they were able to help someone. I have two daughters and it just so happened that several women, 2 neighbors and my daughter’s school secretary had recently lost their spouses. My girls decided to make cookies, buy flowers and go caroling to these three women’s homes. I’m not sure who was blessed more! My girls still remember that time and we all have a special memory in our hearts of that Christmas.
A few more ideas are: buy gloves, winter hats and socks and pass them out to ta homeless person. Visit a nursing home and ask if there is a resident who does not have family. Bring them a flower, visit with them for a short time and sing a few Christmas songs to brighten their day.
I hope you and your families have a blessed holiday season and remember that without Christ, who came to earth as a baby and born in a stable, we would not have a Christmas.
Kim Wright, RN Case Manager
A few healthy tips:
1. Wash hands frequently, especially after going out in public in places with large crowds such as the grocery store or Church.
2. If one family member is ill, give them their own room!!! Put their remote for the TV or Mouse in a zip lock bag, change their toothbrush and give them their own small tube of toothpaste to prevent spreading of the illness.
3. Make sure that they use their own towel.
4. Use Clorox® wipes on door handles.
Here’s a great Christmas Cookie Recipe…these cookies are moist and a real hit!
2 cups sugar 2/3 cup sour cream 1 cup butter 2/3 tsp. baking soda
2 eggs ½ tsp. salt 4 cups flour 2 tsp. grated lemon rind
Cream the sugar and butter together. Add the eggs and lemon rind and beat well. Combine sour cream, baking soda, salt and then flour.
Divide the dough into two parts and wrap in wax paper. You can refrigerate or freeze to harden up the dough.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees and flour you counter or pastry sheet. Roll dough out to about 1/8” thick. Cut cookies with cutters as desired. Bake on a greased cookie sheet 8-10 minutes. Decorate with cream cheese frosting and sprinkles.