I have been a home health aide and CENA for over eight years and I still find myself needing to look up abbreviations and medical terminology that I don’t know. Learning is ALWAYS a process and not an event. Even if you have passed medical abbreviation tests before it is a good idea to stay fresh on the information.
If you are looking for a fun way to learn your abbreviations and medical terminology this is the perfect place for you. Take both of the below quizzes and test your med term knowledge!
If you are not ready to take the quiz yet feel free to go through the flash cards so you can learn them:
Medical Terminology Flash Cards
Medical Abbreviations Flash Cards
Medical Terminology Quiz
Medical Abbreviations Quiz
Medical Terminology Terms & Definitions For Nurse Aides
Terms |
Definitions |
Abdomen | Area between the chest and pelvis |
Abduction | Moving arm or leg away from the body |
AROM | Resident can do own range of motion |
Adduction | Moving arm or leg toward the center of the body |
Advanced directive | A written statement expressing person’s wishes in regards to medical treatment |
Angina | Chest pain when heart has decreased oxygen levels |
Antibody | Moleculres produced by cells to fights disease |
Antiseptic | Free from bacteria and germs |
Aorta | Large blood vessel that carries blood and oxygen away from heart |
Aphasia | Loss of ability to speak and understand speech |
Apical pulse | Obtaining a pulse by using a stethoscope placed over the heart |
Arteriosclerosis or Atherosclerosis | Thickening of blood vessels walls caused by calcium deposits which results in decreased elasticity and blood flow |
Artery | Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart |
Asepsis | Free from disease causing organisms |
Aspirate | Inhaling food or fluid into lungs |
Axillary | Armpit area |
Cataract | Clouding of the lens of the eye |
Clean catch urine specimen | The process of obtaining a urine sample during the middle of urinary stream |
Clinitest | Measurement of glucose in urine |
Contracture | Shortening of a muscle due to spasm, scarring or paralysis |
Cueing | Reminding or prompting |
Cyanosis | Blue or gray color on nail bed or lips due to lack of oxygen in the blood |
Dangling position | Client sits with legs over the side of the bed |
Dementia | Impaired mental and intellectual function |
Diastolic blood pressure | The pressure in the blood vessels when the heart relaxes between contractions; The bottom number on blood pressure reading |
Draw sheet | Small sheet placed across the middle of the bed, over the bottom sheet |
Dyspnea | Difficulty breathing |
Edema | Swelling as a result of fluid retention |
Embolus | A blood clot that lodges in a blood vessel causing a blockage |
Emesis basin | Small basin into which a client can vomit or spit |
Epiglottis | Small, thin structure above the glottis that prevents food and fluid from going into the larynx |
Esophagus | Tube for passage of food that goes from the throat into the stomach |
Flatus | Gas expelled from digestive tract |
Foley Catheter | Catheter inserted into the bladder to drain urine |
Foot drop | Shortening of the heel cord resulting in decreased length of the calf muscle |
Force fluids | Encouraging client to drink fluids |
Fowler’s position | Sitting in bed position with head of the bed at 45 degrees |
Fracture pan | Small bedpan that you insert from the front for clients that have a difficult time moving |
Gangrene | Necrosis or death of tissue due to poor circulation |
Graduate | Graduated cylinder |
Hand roll | Roll put in a client’s hand to prevent hand contraction |
Health care directives | Decisions in regards to end of life issues when client can make them |
Hemiparesis | The loss of feeling on one side of the body |
Hemiplegia | Paralysis of one side of the body |
Hemorrage | Excessive blood loss |
Hemorrhoid | An enlarged vein in the rectum that causes pain and bleeding |
Hepatitis | Inflammation of the liver |
Homeostasis | Balance of bodily functions within normal limits |
Impaction | Very hard stool inside the rectum |
Indwelling catheter | A long tube inserted into the bladder in order to drain urine |
Intake and output (I&O) | Tracking the amount of fluid taken in and excreted out |
Inspiration | Breathing in air |
Integument | Skin |
Logroll | Method of turning a client to one side while keeping their head and back in a straight line |
Meatus | The opening from the exterior of the body into the urinary tract |
Medical asepsis | Techniques and procedures to decrease the spread of pathogens |
Metastasis | The spread of cancer throughout the body |
Nephron | Filtering unit of kidney |
Peristalsis | Churning motion that pushes food through the digestive tract |
Sputum | Mucus that has come up from the lungs |
Thrombus | Blood clot |
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) | Decreased blood flow to the brain for a limited amount of time |
Ureters | Tubes that go from the kidneys to the bladder |
Validation therapy | A type of therapy of accepting thoughts and encouraging communication |
Ventilate | Breathing into the airway of a person who is not breathing |
Veins | Blood vessels that lead to heart and carry deoxygenated blood |
Vomitus | Substance that has come up from stomach |
Wound drainage | Fluid or substance that comes from open area of skin |
Medical Abbreviations for Nurse Aides
Abbreviations are frequently used in the health care industry. They provide an efficient method of health care professionals to communicate with each other in short hand form. It is recommended that you learn the below abbreviations because you will likely see many of them while working in the field.
Terms |
Definitions |
ac | before meals |
ADL | activities of daily living |
AM | morning |
amb | ambulatory |
amt | amount |
bid | twice a day |
BM | bowel movement |
BP | blood pressure |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
C or dash above the c | with |
CA | cancer or calcium |
cath | catheter |
cc | cubic centimeter |
dc | discontinue |
dx | diagnosis |
GI | gastrointestinal |
h(hr) | hour |
H2O | water |
HS(hs) | hours of sleep |
I&O | intake and output |
IV | intravenous |
noc | night |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
OT | occupational therapy |
pc | after meals |
PM | after noon |
po | by mouth |
prn | when necessary |
Pt | physical therapist |
q | every |
qd | everyday |
qh | everyhour |
q2h,q3h,etc | every 2 hours, every 3 hours, and so on |
qid | four times a day |
qod | every other day |
R | rectal temp, respiration,right |
ROM | range of motion |
S | without |
SOB | shortness of breath |
Spec | specimen |
SSE | soapsuds enema |
stat | at once, immediately |
tid | three times a day |
TPR | temperature, pulse and respirations |
VS | vital signs |
w/c | wheelchair |
wt | weight |
a | before |
ad lib | as desired |
a.s.a.p. | as soon as possible |
ax | axilla |
B/P or BP | blood pressure |
BSC | bedside commode |
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
CVA | Cererovascular accident |
CV | Cardiovascular |
FF | force fluids |
fx | fracture |
G/C | geri chair |
GU | genitourinary |
H.O.B. | head of bed |
H.O.H. | hard of hearing |
HTN | hypertension |
MI | myocardial infarction (heart attack) |
R.O. | Reality Orientation |
Rx | prescription |
S.T. | Speech Therapy |
T.I.A. | Transient ischemic attack |
T.W.E. | Tap water enema |
Tx | Treatment |
5 cc | = 1 ts. (teaspoon) |
15 cc | = 1 T (tablespoon) |
30 cc | = 1 ounce (oz. or 2T) |